A polar bear underwater eating a fish
Eva Victorie/EyeEm/Getty Images

One Word, 3 Ways / Adventures of The Word Nerd

Weird, Wild, and Wonderful Words

From the February 2021 Issue

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One Word, 3 Ways

Look at how this handsome polar bear uses our word of the issue, season. It can mean one of four periods into which the year is divided, or to add spices to something to make it flavorful. To be seasoned means to be experienced at something. 

Eva Victorie/EyeEm/Getty Images

  • This is the 20th fish I’ve caught today. Yup, I’m pretty seasoned at this.
  • I think I’ll season this fish with some salt and pepper. And maybe have a little seaweed on the side.
  • My favorite season? Winter, of course!

The Adventures of The Word Nerd    

Tyler Maxwell used to be a typical boy. But one day, a 10-pound dictionary fell on his head.

Luckily, he survived. But now Tyler can use only the biggest, hardest words there are. His friends don’t understand him. Can you help?

Lance Lekander

"We sang mellifluous songs in unison."

This article was originally published in the February 2021 issue.

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