How Storyworks Meets ELA Standards
How Storyworks Meets ELA Standards
Storyworks supports ELA state standards across the country, including Common Core and similar standards, TEKS, and others. Our expertly crafted articles and stories, written by top children’s authors, along with our robust support materials, are designed to help students meet and exceed standards in reading, writing, speaking and listening, language, and research.
We list our standards correlations in various ways, so you can go on a deep dive into how Storyworks aligns with your state’s standards or have the standards for a specific story at your fingertips to pop into a lesson plan.

At Storyworks Digital, you can find complete standard-by-standard correlation documents for the Common Core State Standards and other similar standards and for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

You can also find issue-by-issue standards for each feature. Common Core anchor standards are listed with each lesson plan.

TEKS and CCSS grade-level standards are available at Storyworks Digital. On each story page, click on the + next to CCSS or TEKS to reveal the standards.